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Water Aerobics

At the YMCA I go to, our little workout area looks through a window into the pool.  And every so often I'm there at the same time as water aerobics.  I see all these little old ladies in their swim splashing around with these cute little foam dumbbells and watch them "run" back and forth across the pool.  How cute.  That can't possibly be "real" exercise.

Fast forward to today.  I was looking at the group exercise schedule and it just so happened that the H2O Fitness to the Max class fit in perfectly with my evening timetable.  And I really wanted to drop my kids off at childwatch and workout without REALLY working out.  So it seemed like a perfect fit.

So I show up and I'm the youngest person there by like 20 years (until my amazing friend showed up to help me enjoy this easy class and chat while we splashed around in the water). We started by running and skipping and galloping back and forth.

Then we got out those cute foam dumbbells.  And I started to think "wow, this is a bit harder than I thought"  and then I started to think "Holy crap.  This is really hard."  And then, "Shit.  I'm going to die."  And then "I think these other ladies are laughing at me."  And just when I thought surely the class was almost over because my legs and arms were BURNING, I looked at the clock.

It has been 15 minutes.  FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTES.  The class is an hour long.

Well now I can't punk out of the class full of women twice my age.  And I can't let them all show me up.  But they totally did.  There was one woman wearing a shower cap that was straight up laughing at me.  The teacher kept giving me the side-eye when I had to hold my boobies in place while jumping up out of the water.  And the whole time my friend kept making comments about feeling like a dolphin and all I wanted to do was to make some Flipper reminiscent noises to break some of the tension and embarrassment my body was experiencing.

I didn't know it was possible to sweat that much in the water.

Finally the class ended and the whole class just jumped right out of the water while my friend and I just sat there.  Unable to move. Just floated.  Because if my legs were that sore right there in the water, how in the world would they hold up all 220 pounds of me on dry land?!?!   We must have looked sad and pathetic because the teacher came up and introduced herself and said he did a "good job trying to keep up"  And then she invited us to the Thursday night class which is in the deep end of the pool.

And I may be a bit of a sadist, but I think I might just give it a try.


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