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Two hundred twenty-two point eight.

That's how much I weigh.

The day I found out I was pregnant with my first child I swore up and down I would *never* let my weight hit 200 pounds - even while pregnant.  The day I gave birth to him I was 213 pounds.

I weigh more now then I did at 42 weeks pregnant.

I've asked myself many times "what went wrong?  How did I end up this way?"  And I'm not sure I really know the answer.  Age is a factor I'm sure.  As is having three pregnancies, three c-sections, and now three kids.  I've seen my doctor about it.  There isn't anything wrong on any of my blood tests.  My thyroid looks great.  My insulin levels are a bit high, but my blood sugar levels are perfect. My hormones are a bit wacky, so PCOS is a possibility but I have a very regular cycle and have no trouble getting pregnant so that doesn't really fit either.

I'm just fat.

Two hundred and twenty-two pounds fat.

And I just can't be this fat anymore.

I've started blogs and journals like this 100 times. I've always been a person that needs to get out my thoughts onto paper.  I filled notebooks upon notebooks of thoughts and dreams and "dear diary" letters as a kid and a teen.  I did the LiveJournal thing as a college student.  I kept a blog detailing my daughter's health problems as a baby/toddler.  But I haven't done much of it as an adult.  And I feel like that's a part of me that is missing.  Somewhere to leave my fears and my secret thoughts without judgement.  So, what better place than the Internet (haha.  Sarcasm, my friends).

I need to loose weight.  Ideally a lot of weight.  Like 100 pounds.  Most of the weight calculators floating around seem to think that I should weight somewhere between 120 and 140 pounds.   When I was in college, my weight always fluctuated around 135, and that always seemed like a good place for my me.  So that's what I'm shooting for.  ONE hundred and thirty-five pounds.  So that leaves me with 87.8 pounds to loose.

That's more than my eight year old weighs.   I am carrying around an eight year old everywhere I go.  No wonder my back hurts every morning.  And I snore.  And I'm tired.

I'm not really sure how to get there.  I imagine very slowly.  And I imagine I'll probably fail a lot along the way.  I'm really good at failing at things.

My youngest turns three in the beginning of June.  That's about 7 weeks away.  So my first goal is to loose 7 pounds before then.  A realistic chunk.  A do-able goal.  It's all about setting yourself up for success, right?  First one win.  And then another.  Right?  Because I would very very very much like to be under 200 in time for my own birthday.

I can not.  WILL not.  Welcome another year of my life at more than 200 pounds.
