48 minutes left in 2017. 48 minutes left to accomplish my 2017 resolutions. Probably not going to happen. Another year has gone by of feeling like a stranger in my own body. Of having to move my belly fat out of the way to get dressed. Of getting winded walking up and down the stairs to do laundry. Another summer passed being uncomfortable in a bathing suit. And now another winter approaches where my snow pants are three sizes too small and hang awkwardly in my closet. All my winter clothing is tight and I'm too ashamed to walk into a store and buy a bigger size. I hate my body. I know I'm supposed to feel all refreshed and renewed at the prospect of another new year looming. Another new beginning. Another chance to finally wake up and get my shit together. But right now I'm feeling like it's another opportunity to fail and disappoint myself. Disappoint my family. Be the fattest person at anoth...